SCGA Membership FAQs

No matter how good your game is, SCGA Membership has something for all golfers.

Digital Profile for and GHIN Mobile App

HELP: I can’t login to post scores on or the GHIN mobile app. What changed?
I need to add/change my email address that is on file with the SCGA in order to create a digital profile.
I’ve forgotten my password for posting scores on and/or the GHIN App.

Joining the SCGA

How do I join the SCGA and get my Handicap Index?
Do I have to join a golf club to join the SCGA?
What's the difference between an Associate Membership and a Regular Membership?
How long is my membership good for?
What else does my membership include?
How does someone change clubs and/or join multiple clubs?
Do I have to play with my golf club?
How do I change my home club designation for handicap purposes if I am a member of more than one club?
Am I a USGA member when I join the SCGA?
I have more questions - can I talk to somebody on the phone?

Establishing a Handicap Index

What is a Handicap Index?
How do I get a Handicap Index?
What is the difference between GHIN and other Handicaps out there?
How do I post a score?
I've posted scores, when do I get a Handicap Index?
Can I post rounds that I played before I'm a member?
I have more questions regarding a Handicap Index and the World Handicap System, where do I go?
I have more questions - can I talk to somebody on the phone?

Renewing Members

How do I renew my membership with a different club?
How do I renew my membership with my previous golf club?
Can I keep my same GHIN number if I change clubs?
My membership expired. Do I still get to keep my same GHIN number?
Does my score history get deleted if my membership expires?
Can I set my membership to renew automatically?
I can't find where to renew my club membership online. How do I renew?
I have more questions - can I talk to somebody on the phone?