Part of the Club Authorization Program is the annual club assessment. This requirement must be completed by any golf club that was active as of January 1, 2023 that wishes to use the WHS™. The Club Authorization Program, including the Assessment, is an important part of ensuring only authorized clubs are using the marks and terms of the WHS, including the distribution of the Handicap Index®. The assessment also serves as an acknowledgement the club continues to abide by the Rules of Handicapping and responsibilities as outlined in the Rules of Golf and USGA Handicap Committee Guide.
As previously announced and in an effort to streamline the process for those who completed last year, the USGA sent a link on Wednesday, Feb. 22 to the club contact entered from 2022 for each club who was active as of 1/1/23. The recipient will be able to click on the link which takes them to the club response that is prepopulated with the 2022 information. The respondent can then edit or simply hit submit if there are no changes to the information for 2023.
The entire process should take less than five minutes to complete.
Each club will need to complete a response no later than June 30, 2023.