Is your club experiencing a high volume of members not renewing their membership? Retaining members is just as important as recruiting new golfers. Below are a few best practices in retaining members:
Utilize the SCGA Online Join/Renew Portal
The SCGA has an automated renewal communication program that sends an email reminder to each member. This program sends the email 60, 30, and 7 days in advance of each members subscription end date. For those clubs using the online join/renew, those emails contain the renewal link that directs the member to a pay for membership dues directly online; an efficient and convenient means to renew with their club.
Send Club Renewal Reminders
Although the SCGA assists with retaining members through this renewal program, we encourage all clubs to routinely reach out to those members who are coming up for renewal or already lapsed. A great example from a strong club can be seen below:
Brookside Mens Golf Club - Renewal
Offer Reinstatement Discount
Offering a discount urging members to renew can create a compelling reason to join back up. We have seen several SCGA campaigns successfully convert those lapsed golfers back to SCGA and Club members. By utilizing the Online Join/Renew Portal, discount codes can be created and automatically offered to your lapsed members making it even more hassle free!
Please check out a quick video of a club successfully retaining and recruiting members: