GET BETTER - Measure your skill level and progress
COMPETE - Access any tournament that requires a Handicap Index®
LEVEL THE PLAYING FIELD - Win competitions regardless of your current skill level
FIND GOLFING BUDDIES - Join a local SCGA golf club to play with others at your ability level
CHARITY TOURNAMENTS - Play and compete for prizes
WIN MONEY - Beat your friends and drive home with cash in your pocket
STEP 1 - Join the SCGA and get a GHIN number (you use this number to post scores from your rounds)
STEP 2 - Post three 18-hole scores (or 6 9-hole scores) at (or use the GHIN mobile app) using your assigned GHIN number.
STEP 3 - On the 1st and 15th of every month, you'll receive an updated Handicap Index® by email from the SCGA (calculated from your posted rounds).
Lots of services offer a handicap, but only a Handicap Index® is universally trusted by Southern California golfers for competitive purposes.
That's because a Handicap Index® requires membership in an association-certified golf club that guarantees oversight of indexes by fellow club members and a certified Handicap Chairman. This ensures golfers play and compete with a Handicap Index® that accurately reflects his or her ability.
*Pricing and discount applicable for SCGA Associate Memberships only.